ASME SA 36 mechanical properties

ASME SA 36 mechanical properties

ASME SA 36 is equivalent to ASTM A36 steel but not as popular as A36 steel. It is a mild steel with a very simple chemical structure. Consequently, ASME SA 36 mechanical properties, especially SA 36 steel strength is not that high.

ASME SA 36 mechanical properties: 

Thickness (mm) Yield strength (≥Mpa) Tensile strength (Mpa) Elongation in ≥,%
T≤200 250 400-550 200mm 50mm
200<T 220 400-550 20 23

The yield strength and elongation of ASME SA 36 steel reduces with the increase of the plate thickness. When the SA 36 steel plate thickness is no more than 200mm, the Min. required yield strength is 250 Mpa. When the thickness exceeds 200mm, the Min. required yield strength is 220 Mpa.